Summary of the CSA's Fall Space Industry Days

Moon Express founder and CEO Bob Richards speaks at the CSA's Fall Space Industry Days. (Credit: CSA)
On –, the CSA welcomed more than 80 industry, academic, and institutional space stakeholders to participate in the Fall Space Industry Days. The three-day event, held at CSA headquarters in Longueuil, provided the opportunity for Canadian organizations to interact with major international companies, with the objective of developing potential collaborations. Three international companies – Blue Origin, Moon Express, and Airbus Defense and Space – each had an entire day to present their company and their future projects. After the presentations, Canadian stakeholders had the opportunity to meet individually with senior executives from the three companies in pre-booked business-to-business (B2B) meetings. A total of 72 B2B meetings were conducted, during which Canadian space stakeholders got the chance to promote their own space capabilities and expertise.