Daniel Gratton - Inventor

Daniel Gratton
Role at the Canadian Space Agency
- Employed by the CSA since .
- Manager of the Microwave and Communications Group in the Space Utilization Development Directorate; responsible for advanced payload development, Space Utilization Branch.
Academic background
- Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering (microwaves) from McGill University ().
- Bachelor's degree in microbiology and immunology (virology) from McGill University ().
- Design of electronic circuits in a number of fields such as wireless telephony (GSM), high rate point-to-point microwave radio communications (64QAM, 256QAM), power amplifiers for space (ANIK-E, C band), transponders for space communications (International Space Station, S band), and monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) for Earth observation radar.
- Management of technical teams in R&D and project management.
Prior experience
- More than 30 years in R&D, including more than 20 years in the space field.
- Northern Telecom, Spar Aerospace (now MDA Space Systems), Bell Northern Research / Nortel Networks.
- Professor at the graduate level (case studies, master's program in aerospace engineering, McGill University and École de Technologie Supérieure).
- Received the CSA Director's Award in and .