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Contributions awarded under the STDP

Supporting the development of Canadian space-related industrial capabilities

The Canadian Space Agency's Space Technology Development Program (STDP) supports innovation for the growth of the Canadian space industry and to reduce technological unknowns of future space missions. Non-repayable contributions are awarded to Canadian organizations to support the development of innovative technologies with strong commercial potential. Mostly in the context of competitive processes, proposals are selected based on the applicant's capacity to advance the development of specific space technologies, for which they receive financial support up to a maximum of 75% of their project cost. Both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are eligible to receive funding, to the exclusion of academic institutions.

Investing in the Canadian space sector

Since , STDP has invested over $110M to support the pre-commercial development of 228 space-related technologies, through ten announcements of opportunities (AO):

STDP AO list
Date of publication AO
AO - Technology Demonstrations for SMEs, Not-for-Profit Organizations and Universities: $5.8 million for 3 technologies
AO – Technology Demonstration: $10.4 million for 6 technologies
AO 8 – Industrial capability building: $15 million for 22 technologies
AO 7 – Industrial capability building: $16 million for 29 technologies
AO 6 – Industrial capability building: $23 million for 48 technologies
AO 5 – Industrial capability building: $15 million for 29 technologies
AO 4 – Industrial capability building: $18.9 million for 35 technologies
AO 3 – Industrial capability building: $14.3 million for 17 technologies
AO 2 – Industrial capability building: $13.1 million for 38 technologies
AO 1 – Industrial capacity building in the area of spacecraft platforms: $700,000 for 8 technologies


Should you have any questions regarding the STDP funding initiative, contact us at

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