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Contracts awarded for the Development of Enabling Space Technologies in

Following a series of request for proposals issued in , the Space Technology Development Program (STDP) awarded seven contracts totalling $4.7M for the development of enabling space technologies for future missions. The aim is to reduce technical uncertainties and support specific potential future space missions of interest to Canada. The list of contracts awarded, including organizations, contract values and project descriptions, is presented below.

Contracts awarded, including organizations, contract values and project descriptions
Organization Contract value Proposal
ABB Inc.
Quebec City, Quebec
$1,345,644 Focal Plane Arrays for the Arctic Observing Mission (AOM)
ABB Inc.
Quebec City, Quebec
$799,999 Rover or Lander-mounted Laser-based stand-off Instrument for Planetary Science
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
$288,413 Spectrum Interference Simulation
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
$399,929 Multi-Mission Agile Planning System
Myant Inc.
Etobicoke, Ontario
$450,000 Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Solutions for Crew Health and Wellness on Deep-Space Missions
Canadensys Aerospace Corporation
Bolton, Ontario
$499,998 Moisture Control and Water Management System for Small-Scale Plant Production Payload
MDA Space
Kanata, Ontario
$999,999 Compact Active Sensor for Space Mission


Should you have any questions regarding the STDP funding initiative, contact us at

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