Science, technology and expertise development in academia
The Flights and Fieldwork for the Advancement of Science and Technology (FAST) funding initiative aims to support Canadian university research projects that offer hands-on experience in space-like missions to Canadian highly qualified people, specifically students and young researchers (post-doctoral fellows) needed in the marketplace.
Space data utilization
Earth observation data and imagery utilization
smartEarth is the Canadian Space Agency's (CSA) renewed funding initiative related to Earth observation applications development. It fosters a smart use of satellite data to develop solutions to key challenges on Earth and in our everyday lives.
It replaces the CSA's EO applications and utilization programs, including the Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP), the Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP), and the Science and Operational Applications Research (SOAR) Program.
Scientific data utilization
This Program develops the utilization and validates the quality of Canadian and foreign space-based scientific data and derived information that address science questions, such as those related to our understanding of the Earth's climate system and magnetic field (magnetosphere). Examples of research and initiatives supported by this program include:
Space exploration
Science Definition Studies support new science investigations to advance promising and innovative ideas as potential contributions to future space exploration missions.
The Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) prepares Canada's space sector for lunar exploration by offering a wide range of opportunities for Canadian science and technology activities in lunar orbit or on the Moon's surface.
Research and development
The Space Technology Development Program (STDP) provides initial funds to support the development of breakthrough technologies and to enhance the competitiveness and capabilities of the Canadian space industry.
Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) helps Canadian innovators through direct funding by supporting research and development and prototype-testing in real-life settings.
International opportunities
The European Space Agency (ESA) offers to Canadian companies, universities, research centres, students and educators the opportunity to participate in its activities and programs. Learn more about funding opportunities and the Canada-ESA Cooperation Agreement.
Opportunities at NASA goal is to encourage Canadian industrial and academic teams to join US-led teams. The CSA gives them access to some calls for proposals and participation in NASA programs and initiatives.