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Notice - Potential Announcement of Opportunity for Student Participation in ISEB activities during the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2018

Publication date:


Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Context
  3. Planned Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria
  4. Important Notices

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Advanced Notice (AN) is to inform Canadian students from Canadian Universities that the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) intends to potentially proceed with the posting of an Announcement of Opportunities (AO) in order to provide financial support to students wanting to attend the activities of the International Space Education Board (ISEB) to be held in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Bremen, Germany between and . A few of the selected candidates could also have the opportunity to attend the Space Generation Congress (SGC) which will take place between and , also in Bremen, Germany. The highlights of the potential AO for Student Participation in IAC 2018 are described briefly in sections 2-4 here below.

The Advance Notice is published to timely inform students of this potential AO and encouraged them to prepare and submit abstracts to IAC 2018 technical sessions.

The CSA intends to publish the AO in .

2. Context

Aligned with its priority to develop and maintain the workforce of tomorrow in the Canadian space sector, the CSA intends, this year again, to support a group of students to attend IAC 2018, including ISEB activities. This experience is an opportunity for them to learn more about the future of the great space adventure, to develop their international network and to present their research at the highest professional level. Also, the students selected under this initiative may be offered short term work opportunity at the CSA.

3. Planned Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria

Planed eligibility criteria for this potential AO are:

Priority will be given to students whom abstracts has been accepted by IAC.

Criteria such as quality of the abstract and motivation letter are planned to be used to select the candidates.

The CSA could also take into consideration factors such as a balanced grant distribution across Canada as well as a balanced representation of Canadian diversity. As such, eligible candidates from underrepresented groups (women, Aboriginal persons, members of a visible minority group and persons with a disability) are encouraged to consider this potential opportunity.

Important: For information regarding the deadline to submit an abstract to IAC and to consult the other conditions, please visit the IAC 2018 website.

4. Important Notices

This Advanced Notice is not an Announcement of Opportunities (AO) and it is not to be considered as a commitment to issue a subsequent Announcement of Opportunities. No grant agreement will be entered into based on this Advanced Notice. The issuance of this Advance Notice is not to be considered in any way a commitment by the Government of Canada, nor as authority to those interested in participating to undertake any commitments that could be charged to Canada.

The description given at points one to three of the present AN could be changed without notice between now and the date of the publication of the AO.

This notice is subject to change. If necessary, these changes will be published on the CSA website. It is recommended checking the site regularly. No question will be answered at this stage.

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