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Notice – Flight and Fieldwork for the Advancement of Science and Technology (FAST) Announcement of opportunity

Publication date:


Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Objectives and Eligible Projects
  3. Important Comments
  4. Email Address and Response Deadline

1. Purpose

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is informing post-secondary institutions of its intention to proceed with the posting of a potential Announcement of Opportunity (AO) as part of its Grants and Contributions Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology – Research Component. The purpose of the AO would be to provide financial support to a variety of research projects in space-like environment that would give hands-on experience to students. The FAST AO  considered to be published potentially for the middle of  is described briefly in section 2.

The objectives of this notice are the following:

The CSA encourages any interested organization to submit comments or suggestions in response to this notice no later than ; however, submitting such comments or suggestions is neither a condition nor a prerequisite for a participation in a potential FAST AO .

2. Objectives and Eligible Projects

The potential FAST AO  main objectives would be to:

The potential FAST AO  is planned to have three funding categories, described as follow:

Eligible projects will have to focus on at least one (1) considered research disciplines and one (1) considered research priorities. Preliminary list of research disciplines and research priorities are listed in the following table:

Eligible projects
Research Disciplines Funding categories FAST AO Research Priorities
Satellite engineering All Research that will improve satellite performance (data handling, communications, pointing, station keeping, etc.) or reduce mission cost through the development of a novel satellite component or subsystem including, but not limited to, power, RF communications, onboard computer, guidance, navigation and control, and on board propulsion. Priority will be given to proposals that include design, build and test in relevant environment phases.
Space life science All Research that seeks to better understand or characterize the risks to human spaceflight and develop novel countermeasures against those risks.
Space astronomy All

Projects must address space astronomy objectives identified in the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) Long Range Plan and the Mid-Term Review or the Canadian Space Exploration workshop. Activities can include:

  1. development of prototypes of astronomical instruments requiring for testing the use of balloons or nanosats;
  2. data analysis and initial studies related to definition of new instruments, missions and science investigations or
  3. a combination of a) and b)
Planetary exploration A Lunar Sample Return as a precursor mission for human exploration of the Moon. Science investigations are solicited to take place in the context of a CSA-coordinated Lunar Exploration Analogue Deployment in .
Planetary exploration B

The two priorities for this category are:

  • Sample analysis approaches and techniques in preparation of OSIRIS-REx returned samples; and,
  • Development of a prototype for a new planetary science instrument investigation aligned with priorities from the Canadian Space Exploration workshop.
Planetary exploration C Field investigations, data analysis and initial studies related to definition of new instruments, and/or missions and science investigations aligned with community priorities from the Canadian Space Exploration workshop.
Atmospheric sciences All

Remote sensing of atmospheric composition and dynamics, clouds and precipitation, primarily in Canada. Eligible project may include the following activities:

  • Measurements, using existing instruments with proven capabilities, for the purpose of validating data and derived products from active satellite missions; and,
  • Measurements, using innovative instruments that show promise for future satellite missions, for the purpose of demonstrating the capabilities of the instrument(s) and the scientific value of the observations.
Earth system science All

Remote sensing of soil moisture and freeze/thaw state, land cover, biomass fires, permafrost and thermokarst, snow and ice, surface water colour, storage and flow, coastal waters and oceans, primarily in Canada. Eligible projects may include the following activities:

  • Measurements, using existing instruments with proven capabilities, for the purpose of validating data and derived products from active satellite missions; and,
  • Measurements, using innovative instruments that show promise for future satellite missions, for the purpose of demonstrating the capabilities of the instrument(s) and the scientific value of the observations.
Solar-terrestrial science All

In situ measurements or remote sensing of energetic particles, magnetic fields, electric fields, and geospace interactions with the neutral atmosphere. Eligible projects may include the following activities:

  • Measurements, using existing instruments with proven capabilities, for the purpose of validating data and derived products from active satellite missions; and,
  • Measurements, using innovative instruments that show promise for future satellite missions, for the purpose of demonstrating the capabilities of the instrument(s) and the scientific value of the observations.
Satellite communications and navigation All Development and testing of innovative technologies and applications that could be commercialized or enhance competitiveness of the Canadian space sector in Navigation and Satellite Communication disciplines.

3. Important Comments

This notice is not an AO and should not be considered as a commitment on the part of the Government of Canada to publish one. No agreement based on this notice will be concluded. This notice does not in any way authorize prospective interested institutions to undertake work, the cost of which could be claimed from Canada.

In the information provided to Canada, institutions submitting comments or suggestions are encouraged to indicate the presence of any information which they consider as exclusive, personal or belonging to a third party. Please note that Canada may be required by law (e.g., in response to a request under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act to disclose information that is proprietary or sensitive at the commercial level.

Institutions submitting comments or suggestions will receive no reimbursement for the costs incurred in replying to this notice.

It should be noted that the description of the FAST AO  in section 2 and the distribution of budget per funding categories is subject to change between now and the official publication of the AO, if necessary.

For guidance, publication of the FAST AO  is scheduled for the middle of on the CSA website. Several factors may influence this date or may even lead to no publication of such FAST AO .

Comments and suggestions will not be submitted to a formal assessment; however, they could be used in the preparation of a potential FAST AO . No additional exchange on the subjects raised should be expected.

This notice is subject to change. If necessary, these changes will be published on the CSA website. It is recommend to check the site regularly.

4. Email Address and Response Deadline

Interested institutions can email their comments or suggestions to the following address, no later than :


The deadline was set to ensure that the comments and suggestions can be processed on time for the potential publication of the FAST AO .

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