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Science and Operational Applications Research for RADARSAT-2: Interferometry (InSAR)

Announcement of Opportunity

Publication date: November 17, 2015

Application deadline: January 8, 2016

Table of contents

  • Eligible Recipients: Canadian universities and post-secondary institutions
  • Grant or Contribution: Grant
  • Non-repayable contributions or repayable contributions: N/A
  • Maximum Amount per Project: $50,000
  • Maximum Timeframe of the Project: 12 months

1. Introduction

Applicants are asked to read the following Announcement of Opportunity (AO) thoroughly before submitting their applications. This AO has been prepared to help applicants complete the application process, and outlines key elements including mandatory criteria for eligibility, details on eligible projects and the selection process.

In the event of any discrepancies between this AO and the individual funding agreements governing a project(s), the latter document(s) will take precedence.

With the launch of the RADARSAT-2 satellite, Earth Observation (EO) entered a new era, bringing to prominence the advantages of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors and offering new opportunities for academia. RADARSAT-2 is equipped with a full range of new capabilities: high-resolution modes (three-metre resolution and one-metre Spotlight mode), Multi-Look Fine mode, fully polarimetric capabilities (quad polarization) and dual polarization for RADARSAT-1 heritage beams. A more detailed description of the RADARSAT-2 operating modes and beam modes offered through this AO can be found in Appendix A.

This AO is being offered to address the perceived future need for RADARSAT applications involving Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). Applications related to mapping, permafrost, oil and gas extraction, landslides and glaciers are becoming increasing priorities for both the Government and industry. Using repeat-pass interferometric coherent change detection techniques, RADARSAT-2 can be used effectively in these applications. Looking ahead to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM), with its average daily global re-look capability and 4-day exact revisit, even greater accuracy will be possible. There is therefore a need to focus on the development of the full potential of these satellite systems in this area, and to ensure that there is a cadre of Highly Qualified People (HQP) entering the workforce with the requisite skills.

This AO is being offered to Canadian universities and post-secondary institutions in fulfilment of the Earth Observation Applications and Utilization (EOAU) Division's goals to support the training and development of HQP in the field of space-borne SAR techniques and methodologies using RADARSAT-2 data, to foster research in the development of RADARSAT-2 EO products and services, and to facilitate access to RADARSAT-2 data and increase its use. The AO is issued by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in conjunction with the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, part of Natural Resources Canada's Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO).

The results of a CSA evaluation of the EO Data and Imagery Utilization Program show that the education and use of SAR data within Canadian universities remains limited despite Canada's reputation in this technology at the international level. With the objective of increasing the use and integration of SAR data within the Canadian academic community as well as the ability and expertise of scientists to conduct research focused on SAR data, the Scientific and Operational Applications of RADARSAT-2 (SOAR) coordination office of the EOAU section is expanding its activities with the implementation of an AO mechanism including funding support.

This AO is consistent with the terms and conditions of the CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology – Research Component.

The following describes the AO objectives, criteria for eligibility, funding, proposal requirements and details related to the selection process.

2. AO Objectives

The main objective of this AO is to foster the development of a critical mass of researchers and HQP in Canada, in areas relevant to the priorities of the CSA. This is critical because in future years, without a significant cadre of HQP in academia, industry and government, Canada will not be able to take full advantage of the benefits derivable from remote sensing satellites such as RADARSAT-2 and RCM. The aim is to increase the number of academic researchers in Canada using SAR data, specifically RADARSAT-2 InSAR, and to carry out high-level research and development (R&D) activities that contribute to EO science and applications.

Sub-objectives are as follows:

This AO supports the EOAU Program Activity. The EOAU division manages programs and activities that promote the development and use of EO technologies and applications in order to:

3. Eligibility Criteria

3.1 Eligible Recipients

For this AO, only Canadian universities and post-secondary institutions are eligible.

3.2 Eligible Projects

Principal investigators must be full time professors at a Canadian university or post-secondary institution.

Grants under this AO will be awarded to proposals that:

All development phases necessary for a project are eligible. Any logical breakdown or combination of these phases can constitute a funded project. However, breaking down a project into numerous phases to obtain more than the maximum grant or contribution is not allowed. Furthermore, even if the maximum funding for one project is not reached, the completion of a funded phase does not automatically guarantee funding of the remaining phases.

The AO focuses on basic and applied R&D on algorithms, methods and applications using InSAR techniques and RADARSAT-2 datasets. Applications are expected to be at the development, feasibility, or pre-operational stage. Activities that are of an operational or commercial nature will not be supported.

Proposals must include information on:

  1. The benefit to Canada: contribution to areas of importance to Canada and the CSA's EO priorities.
  2. Development of HQP.
  3. Feasibility of the specific research objectives and the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
  4. The qualifications and experience of team members and a comprehensive management plan.
  5. Identification of risks and mitigation measures.

For information on how proposals will be evaluated, the applicant must carefully read Sections 5.2 and 5.3 and Appendix D.

The CSA will provide access to a limited number of RADARSAT-2 images through a Loan Agreement (Appendix C) from the Canadian archive received by Gatineau (GAT) or Prince Albert (PASS) stations to meet the objectives of the selected projects for their development purposes. No new data acquisitions will be provided. RADARSAT-2 archive contains excellent datasets to support InSAR development applications. Specific datasets offered are included in Appendix B.

3.3 Link to CSA Priorities

Projects supported under this AO should be aligned with Canada's S&T Strategy and must be related to at least one of the CSA priority areas, which are detailed in Canada's Space Policy Framework. In summary these high-level priorities are:

  1. Canadian Interests First: National sovereignty, security and prosperity are the key drivers of Canada's activities in space.
  2. Positioning the Private Sector at the Forefront of Space Activities
  3. Progress Through Partnerships
  4. Excellence in Key Capabilities: The Government is committed to the continued support and advancement of proven Canadian competencies, including EO.
  5. Inspiring Canadians: This priority is focused on maintaining and growing an educated, skilled workforce in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Specific EO application priorities are:

3.4 Links to the Class G&C Program Objectives

To be eligible, projects supported under this AO must contribute to the achievement of the following objectives:

3.5 R&D Definition

For the purpose of this AO, R&D is defined as any pre-commercial S&T activities that are carried out to resolve unknowns regarding the feasibility of applications in the space sector.

Basic R&D activities supported under this AO shall be undertaken in Canada unless conducting them elsewhere is essential to the success of the projects.

This AO is directed at Canadian universities and post-secondary institutions, inviting proposals that are oriented towards fundamental and applied research in the development of algorithms, methods and applications for EO applications that utilize InSAR techniques and are at the development, feasibility or pre-operational level of maturity.

4. Applications

4.1 Required Documentation

Supporting material required will include, but not be limited to, a detailed description of the project; funding requested under the Program; an implementation schedule; an itemized, balanced budget for the project, indicating projected expenditures, confirmed and potential budget and other sources of funds.

The Application must include the following:

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that his/her application complies with all relevant federal, provincial and territorial legislation and municipal bylaws.

Applications must be mailed to the CSA at the following address to the attention of:

Steve Iris
Office 3A-340
Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 8Y9

Applicants must also take note of the following:

Questions and answers related to this AO will be posted on the CSA website in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (see Section 9).

4.2 Proposal Format and Content

The proposal should be written in a clear and concise manner, preferably using 12-point letter size (except for tables and figures) in a Times New Roman font (maximum of 15 pages, excluding appendices). The proposal must include the following sections:

Project Description, including:

4.3 Service Standards – Complete Applications

Applicants will be notified in writing of the decision related to their application. Selected applications will be announced and posted on the CSA website.

The CSA has set the following service standards for delays in processing requests, acknowledgements of receipt, funding decisions and payment procedures.

Acknowledgement: The CSA's goal is to acknowledge receipt of proposals within 2 weeks of receiving a completed application package.

Decision: The CSA's goal is to respond to the proposal within 11 weeks of the closing date of the AO and to send a grant agreement for signature within 4 weeks of formal approval of the proposal.

Payment: Grant: The CSA's goal is to issue payments within 4 weeks of the successful fulfillment of requirements outlined in the grant agreement.

Compliance with these service standards is a shared responsibility. Applicants must submit all required documentation in a timely fashion. Service standards may vary by AO.

5. Evaluation

5.1 Eligibility Criteria

An eligible proposal will be one that:

5.2 Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated as set out below. An evaluation committee, composed of EO experts, will assess screened-in applications according to the following criteria:

Benefits to Canada
Risks and Mitigation Measures

Detailed benchmark statements for each sub-criteria and the rating scale are presented in Appendix D.

5.3 Evaluation Process

The CSA will conduct a preliminary screening of the proposals received to ensure that they comply with the eligibility criteria (Section 5.1), funding restrictions (Section 6) and application requirements (Section 4). Applicants must fill out Section 4 of the Application Form (Pre-screening Criteria). Only applications that have passed the pre-screening process will be given further consideration.

Once the eligibility criteria are confirmed, evaluators will assess the screened applications according to the evaluation criteria listed (Section 5.2) and detailed in Appendix D. Evaluators will be experts in the field relevant to the applications and may include representatives of Canada, other government and non-government agencies and organizations. If applicable, a cross-discipline evaluation committee will be formed when applications from several different disciplines are competing to provide a uniform final score and ranking of proposals.

Before a final decision is made, program managers may seek input and advice from others, including (but not limited to) federal, provincial/territorial and municipal government agencies and organizations.

Note that MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. – Geospatial Services International (MDA-GSI), which operates and owns the RADARSAT-2 satellite, has a right to view the proposals and the projects that are supported in order to ensure that they are not of a commercial nature and that they are compliant with legislation governing the use of remote sensing data in Canada. All information received will be treated in confidence.

Explanation of scoring scheme: There are five main criteria, each made up of one or more sub-criteria. Each sub-criterion will be rated according to the scoring scheme indicated in the table entitled Evaluation Criteria and Associated Ratings on the next page. A proposal must achieve a minimum overall score of 60% to be considered for a funding arrangement. It is important to note that if a criterion is not addressed in the proposal, a score of zero will be assigned to that criterion.

Proposals scoring greater than 60% will be ranked in order of their overall scores and, starting with the highest ranked, funding arrangements will be put in place to use up the available funds. In the event that more than one proposal scoring more than 60% is received from the same institution, the one with the lower score will only be funded if there are sufficient funds left after the next ranked proposals from different universities are funded. This is to ensure that the available funds are distributed as widely as possible.

For example: If 10 proposals are received from 6 universities with scores as shown below, the initial and final ranking will be as indicated.

6 universities with scores, the initial and final ranking
Originating University Score Initial Ranking Final Ranking
University A 90% 1 1
University B 87% 2 2
University C 85% 3 3
University D 82% 4 4
University A 80% 5 7
University E 77% 6 5
University F 75% 7 6
University F 70% 8 8
University E 65% 9 9
University E 60% 10 10
Evaluation criteria associated ratings
Criteria Overall maximum points for corresponding criterion
Maximum points for evaluation
Weighting factors
Benchmark definition corresponding to point rating
(0 to 8 points)
No Response Level A Level B Level C Level D
1. Benefits (Wtg: 15%) 15 8 1.88 0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 7 or 8
2. Results (Wtg: 30%) 30 8 3.75 0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 7 or 8
3. Feasibility (Wtg: 30%) 30 8 3.75 0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 7 or 8
4. Resources (Wtg: 15%) 15 8 1.88 0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 7 or 8
5.Risk (Wtg: 10%) 10 8 1.25 0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 7 or 8
Total weighted points 100 - - - - - - -
Pass Mark 60 - - - - - - -

6. Funding

6.1 Available Funding and Duration

The total grant for each project will be less than or equal to $50,000. The proposed project schedule must be no more than 12 months in duration between May 2016 and May 31, 2017. During the last six months of the project, the CSA may consider amending the grant for a period to be determined, provided that recipients send a notice to the CSA requesting an extension no later than six months before term accompanied by proper justification as may be determined by the CSA. Grant agreements may be amended following a careful review of progress reports, a proposal for project continuation, and a risk analysis that takes the new requested termination date into account. The grant agreement could then be amended under the same terms and conditions as those set out in the original grant agreement, but there would be no additional grant of funding from the CSA.

It is anticipated that up to ten proposals will be supported. However, the exact number of grants awarded and their level will depend on the availability of funds. The CSA reserves the right to reject any proposals or reduce the amount of the grants at its entire discretion.

Approved proposals will be eligible for total government (federal, provincial/territorial and municipal) assistance of up to 100% of total project costs.

It is expected that projects will also be funded by other sources and that the funds received under this Program will be used on items not funded under other programs. Applicants are required to identify all sources of funding in their application and to confirm that information in a funding agreement if the project is selected for funding. Upon completion of a project, the recipient must also disclose all sources of funding. Under no circumstances may CSA funds be used on items already funded by other sources. In addition, upon completion of a project, the applicant will be required to disclose all sources of funding. To determine the amount of financial support it will offer, the CSA will consider the total project cost and the other confirmed sources of funds from other stakeholders and the applicant.

6.2 Eligible Costs

Eligible costs are direct expenses associated with the delivery of the approved project. The costs are expected to help achieve the results related to the project. Costs of fieldwork and software tools are explicitly excluded. Expenses will be covered subject to the applicant signing a funding agreement, in the form of a grant, with the CSA.

Eligible costs under this AO are the following:

7. Funding Agreement

7.1 Payments

The CSA and each successful applicant (the recipient) will sign a funding agreement, which is a condition for any payment made by the CSA with respect to the approved project. Payments will be made in a lump sum or in instalments as described in the signed agreement. Grant funding agreements will include a clause stipulating the recipient's obligation to confirm—once a year in the case of multi-year agreements—their eligibility to this G&C Program – Research Component and inform the CSA in writing of any changes to the conditions used in determining their entitlement to and eligibility for this component.

7.2 Audit

The recipient of a funding agreement shall keep proper records of all documentation related to the funded project, for the duration of the project and for six (6) years after the completion date of the project, in the event of an audit. This documentation shall be available upon request.

7.3 Conflict of Interest

In the funding agreement, the recipient will certify that any current or former public office holder or public servant it employs complies with the provisions of the relevant Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders and the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector respectively.

7.4 Intellectual Property

All Intellectual Property developed by the recipient in the course of the project shall vest in the recipient.

7.5 Organizations in Quebec

An organization in Quebec whose operations are partially or fully funded by the province of Quebec may be subject to An Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, R.S.Q., Chapter M-30 (hereinafter referred to as the Act). Under Sections 3.11 and 3.12 of the Act, municipal bodies, school bodies and public agencies must obtain authorization from the Secrétariat aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes du Québec (SAIC), as indicated by the Act, before signing any funding agreement with the Government of Canada, its departments or agencies, or a federal public agency.

Consequently, any entity that is subject to the Act is responsible for obtaining such authorization before signing any funding agreement with the Government of Canada.

Quebec applicants must complete, sign and include the M-30 Supporting Documentation Form with their application.

7.6 Performance Measurement

The CSA will ask the recipients to report on their project's performance. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:

As a courtesy, the CSA would like to receive a copy of publications arising from the work and to be informed in advance of significant press releases or media interest resulting from the work.

7.7 Reports

The CSA will ask the recipients to produce two reports at the conclusion of the project:

8. Privacy Notice Statement

The CSA will comply with the federal Access to Information Act and Privacy Act with respect to applications received. By submitting your personal information, you are consenting to its collection, use and disclosure in accordance with the following Privacy Notice Statement, which explains how the applicant's information will be managed.

Necessary measures have been taken to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the applicant. This information is collected under the authority of the CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology – Research Component, and will be used for the evaluation and selection of proposals. Personal information (such as contact information and biographical information) included in the rejected proposals will be stored in a CSA Personal Information Bank for five years and then destroyed (Personal Information File no. ASC PPU045). Personal information included in the successful proposals will be kept, along with the proposal results, for historical purposes. These data are protected under the Privacy Act. According to the Privacy Act, the data linked to one individual and included in the proposal being evaluated can be accessed by the specific concerned individual who has rights with respect to this information. This individual may, upon request,

  1. be given access to his/her data and
  2. have incorrect information corrected or have a notation attached.

Applicants should note that for all agreements over $25,000, information related to the funding agreement (amount, grant or contribution, name of the recipient and project location) through this Component and the purpose of the funding will be made available to the public on the CSA website.

For additional information on privacy matters prior to submitting a proposal, please contact:

Access to Information and Privacy
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: 450-926-4866

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It is the responsibility of the applicants to obtain clarification of the requirements contained herein, if necessary, before submitting an application. At any point in the process, applicants are invited to share their comments or suggestions with the CSA regarding the AO, the program or the process. Applicants may either use the generic email address or the generic web-based Comments and Suggestions Box.

For any questions related to the AO, applicants shall use the generic email address. Questions and answers related to this AO will be posted on the CSA website in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of this AO. The CSA will respond to questions received before 5:00 p.m. (EDT), December 18, 2015.

Question 1: Is the travel cost associated with field work or conference attendance would be considered an eligible expense?

Answer 1: As stated in section 6.2, the cost of fieldwork are explicitly excluded. However, travel fees related to participation at conferences, committees or events are eligible. Please note that the Treasury Board rates shall be used for the reimbursement of these expenses.

Question 2: Is applications using speckle tracking of Radarsat-2 data would qualified for funding under this announcement? Appendix B specifically mentions speckle tracking under one of the identified datasets; "Ice: Determination of glacial motion variations (speckle tracking), Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada (75°34'N, 81°27'W), 2010."

Answer 2: Answer is no because this AO is specifically limited to InSAR applications and techniques. The dataset referred in Appendix B over Devon Ice Cap was acquired with a 24 days revisit period that could be suitable for interferometry. It was originally acquired to support a project using speckle tracking technique and this is why it was mentioned in the dataset description.

Question 3: Is it possible to submit a proposal using a combination of the two official languages of Canada?; e.g. Proposal in English, NSERC Personal Data Form (Form 100) in French, CV's (English and French), etc.

Answer 3: Nothing in the AO preclude applicant to submit a proposal, and the accompanying documents, combining English and French.

Question 4: Under section 6 of the application form (section 4.1 of the AO), it is stated that "Please complete and attach the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Personal Data Form (Form 100) for each faculty member of the team".  Is it possible to use the Canadian Common CV rather than using Form 100?

Answer 4: The answer is no, the use of Form 100 is mandatory.

Question 5: In the application form, under section 4, point 1 "Areas for Earth Observation: Select the area of your project", the selection of an option is possible but we cannot add text to include details on the chosen area. Can you confirm that the only action to do for this point is to check the box corresponding to the targeted area?

Answer 5: The answer is yes. The only action required for point 1 is to select one of three options depending on the area to which your project relates.

Question 6: Is software licenses costs are eligible expenditures for funding under this AO? If they are not eligible for funding by the CSA, I guess they can be covered by other sources of funding?

Answer 6: The answer is no. As stated in section 6.2, costs for software tools are explicitly excluded. It is also mentioned in section 6.1 that the CSA is expected that projects will also be funded by other sources and that the funds received under this Program will be used on items not funded under other programs. Under no circumstances may CSA funds be used on items already funded by other sources.

10. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Appendix A: Overview of the RADARSAT-2 System

Beam Mode RADARSAT-2

Text version of image RADARSAT-2 beam modes

Credit: MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates Ltd.

Overview of RADARSAT-2 Beam Modes Offered Through This AO
  Beam Mode Nominal Swath Width (km) Swath Coverage to Left or Right of Ground Track (km) Approximate Resolution (ground range X azimuth) (m)
RADARSAT-2 Modes with Selective Polarization
Transmit H or V
Receive H and V (Dual-Polarization)
Standard 100 250-750 25 x 28
Wide 150 250-650 25 x 28
Fine (Wide) 50 (170) 400-750 10 x 9
ScanSAR Wide 500 250-750 100 x 100
ScanSAR Narrow 300 250-750 50 x 50
Polarimetry (Quad-Pol)
Transmit H and V on alternate pulses
Receive H and V on every pulse
Standard QP (Wide) 25 (50) 250-600 25 x 28
Fine QP (Wide) 25 (50) 400-600 11 x 9
Selective Single Polarization
Transmit H or V
Receive H or V
Multi-Look Fine (Wide) 50 (90) 400-750 11 x 9
Ultra-Fine (Wide) 20 (50) 400-550 3 x 3
Spotlight 18 x 8 250-800 2 x 1

Appendix B: Data Sets and Software Tools

Specific RADARSAT-2 datasets offered by the CSA include:

Principal investigators may propose other RADARSAT-2 archived datasets. For this AO, RADARSAT-2 data and processing will be provided by the CSA under the SOAR Program.

The CSA will lend processed RADARSAT-2 products in GeoTIFF format, via a dedicated FTP site (see Appendix C). Data will be delivered in SLC format.

Software Tools

Open-source and free-of-charge software tools are available for generating interferograms, such as the Sentinel-1 Toolbox, developed by European Space Agency (ESA), or Doris (Delft object-oriented radar interferometric software), developed by the Delft Institute of EO and Space Systems of Delft University of Technology. These are applicable to a number of EO satellites including RADARSAT-2. It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list, and that these tools may have limitations for some applications.

Appendix C: RADARSAT-2 Loan Agreement and EULA

All RADARSAT-2 data, including archived data, is the property of MDA and is made available to the CSA under licence. For the SOAR Program the CSA will lend the data or processed RADARSAT-2 products to successful applicants. Prior to having access to the RADARSAT-2 data, successful applicants must sign a RADARSAT-2 Loan Agreement concerning the lending of data for research purposes, and agree to abide by an End User Licence Agreement (EULA), which details the ownership of the data and the use limitations.

THIS RADARSAT-2 SOAR-E LOAN AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made effective as of (the "Effective Date")


6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Longueuil, Quebec, Canada  J3Y 8Y9

(the "Sponsor")


[  ]

 (the "Licensee")


  1. The RADARSAT-2 Science and Operational Applications Research Program ("SOAR Program") is a collaborative program between MDA Geospatial Services Inc. ("MDA GSI"), as the sole distributor of RADARSAT-2 imagery, and the Sponsor, focused on the possibility of exploring and capitalizing on the enhanced capabilities of the RADARSAT-2 satellite;
  2. In September 2008, the Sponsor released an Announcement of Opportunity ("Request for Proposal") entitled a Specific Request for SOAR Proposal SOAR Education (SOAR-E) Initiative as part of the SOAR Program, inviting proposals from researchers from a Canadian university or post-secondary institution who wish to develop and demonstrate techniques where RADARSAT-2, either alone or integrated with other data sources, contributes useful information to develop applications and to promote the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing among graduate students ("SOAR-E Project");
  3. The Licensee is a duly constituted and functioning Canadian university or post-secondary institution involved in research and development, who submitted a proposal to the Sponsor outlining a non-operational, non-commercial project in response to the Request for Proposal and was selected to participate in the SOAR-E Project; and
  4. The Licensee now wishes to obtain a loan of the Products described in Schedule 1 herein, free of charge, from the Sponsor, in order to participate in the SOAR-E Project, and the Sponsor wishes to grant such loan to the Licensee, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements made in this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Interpretation

For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

2. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. ("MDA") or its corporate affiliates, including, without limitation, MDA GSI, own and will continue to own all right, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property related to and contained within the Products and Derived Image Products (as defined in the EULA). All Products shall be marked with the mandatory copyright and credit statement provided in Section 6.2.
  2. The Licensee will own all rights, title and interest in and to the VAPs and related Intellectual Property resulting from its participation in the SOAR Project and developed by the Licensee in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
  3. Any RADARSAT-2 image used by the Sponsor or the Licensee in presentations, publications or reports must also be marked with the mandatory copyright and credit statement set forth in Section 6.2.

3. Use of Product

The Licensee shall have a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty and/or fee-free right to access and use the Products, in such quantities as determined and approved by the Sponsor in accordance with the terms of the SOAR Project, for purposes strictly limited to the research and development of the Products into VAPs and new applications of the SOAR Project ("Restricted Purpose"). The right to access and use the Products shall be conditional upon the Licensee:

  1. Using the Products, or causing the Products to be used, solely for the Restricted Purpose, which expressly excludes any operational or commercial purposes;
  2. Ensuring strict compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
  3. Ensuring strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the EULA.

4. Order Procedure

For information on the Product ordering procedure, please contact:

SOAR Coordination Office
Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 8Y9

5. Confidentiality

6. Publication

7. Term and Termination

Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, if this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 7.2, the Licensee shall either

  1. purchase the Products at their commercial price, or
  2. return and destroy, pursuant to Section 7.4(a), all Products and related documentation to the Sponsor.

8. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances will the Sponsor be liable for any damages either direct or consequential, indirect, special, punitive or incidental damages or lost profits, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, based on the Government of Canada Data Policy or based on claims by the Licensee, their partners and/or end-users (including, but not limited to, claims for loss of Product, interruption in use or availability of Products, stoppage of other work or impairment of other assets), arising out of a breach of express or implied warranty or remedy, breach of contract, misrepresentation, negligence, strict liability in tort or otherwise, regardless of whether a limited remedy is deemed to fail its essential purpose.

The Sponsor does not warrant in any manner whatsoever the suitability of the Product for any specific application. The Sponsor does not warrant that

  1. the Products will meet the Licensee's or its partners' or end-users' requirements;
  2. the Product will operate in combinations selected for use by the Licensee or its partners or end-users; or
  3. use of the Products will be uninterrupted.

The Sponsor will provide the Products "as-is" without warranty of any kind. All warranties, conditions, representations, indemnities and guarantees with respect to the Products, whether express or implied, arising out of law, custom, prior oral or written statements by the Sponsor or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for particular purpose and non-infringement) are hereby overridden, excluded and disclaimed.

The Licensee hereby agrees, upon request by Notice from the Sponsor, to defend and at all times to hold the Sponsor, their respective corporate affiliates, directors, officers and employees (collectively, the "Indemnitees") harmless from and against any and all third party claims, including reasonable legal fees and disbursements, against or involving the Indemnitees or to which the Indemnitees may become subject under any legislation, or at common law or under any theory of law, caused by or arising out of or resulting from the Licensee's actions, inactions and obligations hereunder ("Claims"), including without limitation any Claims arising out of the Licensee's failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement and the Legislation. Notwithstanding, the Licensee will have no obligation to indemnify the Indemnitees against any Claim arising out of

  1. an allegation that the Products infringe the Intellectual Property of a third party, except to the extent that such infringement arises out of
    1. a correction or modification to the Products not made by the Sponsor or
    2. a third party product, alone or in combination with the Products; and
  2. the Sponsor's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

9. Governing Law

The laws in force in the Province of Quebec, Canada, govern this Agreement, and the courts of the Province of Quebec, Canada, will have the exclusive jurisdiction to hear matters arising hereunder. The parties expressly exclude the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods and the implementing legislation thereto.

10. Assignment

The Licensee shall not, without the express written consent of the Sponsor, assign, delegate, sub-license, sell, distribute, pledge or otherwise transfer the Product, this Agreement, or any right or obligation under it to any person or entity, except as expressly provided for under this Agreement.

11. Point of Contact

The contact information for each party is listed below.

contact information for each party
Name Telephone Facsimile Email address
Sponsor - - - -
Licensee - - - -

12. Entire Agreement / Precedence

This document, together with the EULA, constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior documents. There are no terms, obligations, covenants, representations, statements or conditions, whether oral or written, express or implied, other than those contained herein. No variation or modification of this Agreement or waiver of any of the terms and provisions hereof will be deemed valid unless it is in writing and signed by both parties. In the event of any conflict between the terms of the EULA and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will govern.

13. Survival

Sections 2, 5 and 7.4 and 8 will survive any termination or expiry of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective as of the Effective Date.

Signed for and on behalf of the Sponsor
By (signature):

Signed for and on behalf of the Licensee
By (signature):

IMPORTANT: The Licensee must initial ALL pages (bottom right corner) to confirm that they have been read.


IMPORTANT: SOAR RADARSAT-2 acquisitions are planned with a lower priority than commercial and operational requests. If a re-plan OR a more favorable priority is requested, only the Sponsor can approve and submit the request to the CSA RADARSAT Order Desk. All communication to the RADARSAT-2 Order Desk must be done through the SOAR Coordination Office. Products are provided on a reasonably best effort basis with no guarantee of delivery/availability.

The following Products shall be provided to the Licensee under the terms of this Agreement:

Quantity: The proposal is accepted for a maximum loan of TBD RADARSAT-2 Products.
Images requested:
End date to request data:
Geographic area of interest:

Data may be shared with:
Postal Code / Zip Code
Province, territory, state or county
Phone number

Postal Code / Zip Code
Province, territory, state or county
Phone number

SCHEDULE 2 – RADARSAT-2 Single User License Agreement

The RADARSAT-2 Single User License Agreement ("EULA") is attached behind this page and is subject to change. A current EULA is available on the Internet at and may be amended by MDA GSI from time to time, setting forth the terms and conditions which must be complied with by the Licensee for the use of Products.

Appendix D: Evaluation Criteria

1. Benefits to Canada

Weight: 15%

Description: This criterion evaluates how the research will contribute to areas of importance to Canada and the CSA's EO priorities of Environment, Resources & Land Use Management, and Security & Foreign Policy.

Rating scale
D=7 to 8


  • The proposal gives an excellent description of the subject area and clearly shows how it will provide a significant contribution to one or more of the CSA's EO priority areas.
  • The research will make a significant contribution to the development of new techniques, algorithms and information products that will have a significant impact in the long term.
C=5 to 6


  • The proposal gives a good description of the subject area and shows how it will provide a good contribution to one or more of the CSA's EO priority areas.
  • The research will make a good contribution to the development of new techniques, algorithms and information products that will have some impact in the long term.
B=3 to 4


  • The proposal gives a general description of the subject area and shows how it might provide a moderate contribution to one or more of the CSA's EO priority areas.
  • The research will make a limited contribution to the development of new techniques, algorithms and information products.
A=1 to 2


  • The proposal gives a poor description of the subject area, and it is not clear how it will contribute to at least one of the CSA's EO priority areas.
  • The research will not contribute to the development of new techniques, algorithms and information products.


  • The proposal does not encompass any benefit to Canada.

2. Results

Weight: 30%

Description: This criterion assesses the development of HQP, the training and mentoring environment, the involvement of HQP in the research, and the effectiveness of the transfer of knowledge and skills between trainers and HQP.

Rating scale
D=7 to 8


  • The proposal gives an excellent description of the mentoring environment, the roles of HQP supervisors in HQP training and transfer of knowledge, and the opportunity for HQP to participate in the decision-making process.
  • The proposal gives an excellent description of the professional skills and scientific and/or technical knowledge that will be acquired by each HQP involved in the project, and their long-term relevance is demonstrated.
C=5 to 6


  • The proposal gives a good description of the mentoring environment, the roles of HQP supervisors in HQP training and transfer of knowledge, and the opportunity for HQP to participate in the decision-making process.
  • The proposal gives a good description of the professional skills and scientific and/or technical knowledge that will be acquired by each HQP involved in the project are defined, and their long-term relevance is apparent.
B=3 to 4


  • The proposal gives an adequate description of the mentoring environment, the roles of HQP supervisors in HQP training and transfer of knowledge, and the opportunity for HQP to participate in the decision-making process.
  • The proposal gives an adequate description of the professional skills and scientific and/or technical knowledge that HQP will acquire, and their long-term relevance is weakly supported.
A=1 to 2


  • The proposal gives very little information on the mentoring environment, the roles of HQP supervisors in HQP training and transfer of knowledge, or the opportunity for HQP to participate in the decision-making process.
  • The proposal gives a poor description of the professional skills and scientific and/or technical knowledge that HQP will acquire, and their long-term relevance is not supported.

3. Feasibility

Weight: 30%

Description: This criterion assesses whether research objectives are clearly described and the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in attaining them. The technical methodology demonstrates that the work packages and their sequence are clearly substantiated, coherent and feasible.

Rating scale
D=7 to 8


  • The proposal gives an excellent description of the specific research objectives that are realistic.
  • The proposed methodology for the research activities shows a sound and methodical approach to conducting the work and achieving the objectives.
C=5 to 6


  • The proposal gives a good description of the specific research objectives of the study that appear to be realistic.
  • The proposed methodology for the research activities shows a good approach to conducting the work. However, its effectiveness in achieving the technical objectives of the work is not fully substantiated.
B=3 to 4


  • The proposal gives an adequate description of the specific research objectives of the study, but they may not be realistic.
  • The proposed methodology for the research activities shows an adequate approach to conducting the work. However, there are gaps in the methodology, and its effectiveness in achieving the technical objectives of the work is poorly substantiated.
A=1 to 2


  • The proposal gives a poor description of the research objectives of the study.
  • The proposed methodology for the research activities is not appropriate or is not adequately elaborated.

4. Resources

Weight: 15%

Description: This criterion assesses the combined technical and management capability (qualifications, experience) of team members, including partners from outside the Canadian university or post-secondary institution, to effectively achieve project objectives. The proposal should include a description for each of the proposed team members stating their roles and responsibilities within the project. Résumés should be provided in an appendix.

This criterion also evaluates the management plan for its completeness and its effectiveness in achieving the project objectives.

Rating scale
D=7 to 8


  • The proposed project team is highly experienced in the relevant technologies or applications.
  • The proposal includes an excellent description of the roles and responsibilities of each team member, including external partners (if any).
  • The proposal provides a coherent and comprehensive management plan that will be effective in delivering the project.
C=5 to 6


  • The proposed project team has worked actively in the relevant technologies or applications.
  • The proposal includes good description of the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
  • The proposal provides a credible management plan, but its ability to effectively deliver the project may be somewhat limited.
B=3 to 4


  • The proposed project team has some experience in the relevant technologies or applications.
  • The proposal lists the team members' roles but is vague about their responsibilities.
  • The proposal provides a marginal management plan, and its ability to effectively deliver the project is doubtful.
A=1 to 2


  • The proposed project team has limited experience in the relevant technologies or applications.
  • The proposal includes team members but does not describe their roles and responsibilities.
  • The proposal provides a poor management plan, which will not be effective in delivering the project.

5. Risks and Mitigation Measures

Weight: 10%

Description: This criterion evaluates key risks associated with the project and the mitigation strategies for each of the technical, management and programmatic risks.

Rating scale
D=7 to 8


  • The proposal clearly states the risks to the successful completion of the work within the stated time frame and budget.
  • The proposal provides solid mitigation measures to be used should any of the risks be realized.
C=5 to 6


  • The proposal states the risks to the successful completion of the work within the stated time frame and budget.
  • The proposal provides adequate mitigation measures to be used should any of the risks be realized.
B=3 to 4


  • The proposal gives an indication of the risks to the successful completion of the work within the stated time frame and budget.
  • The proposal provides weak mitigation measures.
A=1 to 2


  • The proposal does not clearly state the risks to the successful completion of the work within the stated time frame and budget.
  • The proposal provides inadequate mitigation measures.
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