Global Connections Days: Germany and Brazil

Credit: NASA
The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) would like to invite you to our Global Connections Days with Germany and Brazil, taking place at the CSA Headquarters in Longueuil, Quebec, -.
This 2-day event aims to connect the Canadian space industry with representatives of German and Brazilian national space agencies, industry and military to strengthen existing and forge new potential commercial partnerships. The event will include the following activities:
Date | Event | Description | Where |
, 9am -4pm | German Industry Day |
The German delegation would include DLR officials and representatives of several German space companies. The list of participants will be provided shortly. |
Headquarters – John H. Chapman Space Centre 6767 Route de l'Aéroport |
Thursday night, | Industry Networking Event |
Canadian, German and Brazilian industries' representatives are welcomed to participate in this informal networking dinner (please note that participants are responsible for their own dinner expenses). Location will be announced shortly. |
Headquarters – John H. Chapman Space Centre 6767 Route de l'Aéroport |
, 9am -4pm | Brazilian Industry Day |
The Brazilian delegation would include AEB officials, representatives of Brazilian Air Force and Brazilian space companies. The list of participants will be provided shortly. |
Headquarters – John H. Chapman Space Centre 6767 Route de l'Aéroport |
Both German and Brazilian delegations will share their respective national plans and priorities in space, while private industry representatives will present their current product platforms and future plans, seeking to secure commercial partnerships with Canadian space industry.
There are no registration fees associated with this event, and you can participate in all 3 consecutive days. Please note, however, that you are responsible for all travel costs associated with your participation. We recommend staying at the hotels nearby the CSA Headquarters to avoid rush hour traffic. Please reserve your accommodation directly with ALT Hotel, ALT PLUS Hotel or Hôtel Mortagne.
A more detailed program will be available shortly. As well, an online B2B platform will be available to registered participants to schedule their B2B meetings.
The CSA looks forward to welcoming you to this event!