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Radiation projects

The CSA, in cooperation with the International Space Station (ISS) international partners, is involved in the study of space radiation. The main goal of the CSA is to develop technology and methods to measure and monitor astronauts' exposure to space radiation to better protect them from its harmful effects.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield on mission STS-100 spacewalk

Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut Chris Hadfield is secured by foot restraints on the shuttle's Canadarm while he works on the ISS' Canadarm2. (Credit: NASA)


Radiation in space is much stronger than radiation experienced on Earth. For example, a typical daily radiation dose aboard the ISS is approximately equivalent to that received on Earth from natural sources (other than radon) in an entire year. This is because on Earth, humans are protected from most space radiation by our planet's atmosphere and magnetic field. With astronauts living on the ISS for longer periods of time, and the possibility of interplanetary space missions, it is necessary to continue improving technology to monitor and measure radiation, and to protect against it.

Radiation detectors or dosimeters are used to measure the radiation levels that astronauts are exposed to in space. Radiation dosimetry is the science of measuring the amount of radiation energy absorbed in a given area. The CSA works with NASA's Space Radiation Analysis Group (SRAG) to ensure that the astronauts' radiation exposures do not exceed the acceptable limits during a mission. The SRAG estimates how much radiation will be present during a mission based on solar activity forecasts provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They also monitor the actual radiation exposures during a mission based on data from personal dosimeters (radiation detectors worn by the astronauts) and area dosimeters (radiation detectors placed in different locations inside and outside a spacecraft). Along with the SRAG measurements, each astronaut's blood is collected to measure changes or mutations in the DNA (genetic material found within our cells) to determine his or her level of exposure and the extent of the damaging effects caused by radiation.

Radiation projects

The CSA has supported the development of two Canadian radiation dosimeters that have been used as personal or area dosimeters aboard the ISS: Bubble detectors and MOSFET dosimeters. Bubble detectors are test-tube sized dosimeters that measure the neutron radiation dose to which astronauts are exposed. MOSFET dosimeters are miniature electronic devices that measure protons and electrons in real-time and can provide radiation dose readings for selected parts of the human body. In 2005-2008, the CSA collaborated with the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences to use the bubble detectors and the MOSFET Dosimeters in an experiment called Matroshka-R, which took place on the Russian segment of the ISS. The CSA then collaborated with RSC-Energia in 2009, using the bubble detectors to monitor neutron radiation during an experiment called Radi-N on board the ISS. A follow up to this experiment is planned for 2012-2013, which will again feature a partnership between the CSA and RSC-Energia.

The Matroshka Spherical Phantom in the crew cabin on board the ISS. (Credit: IBMP)

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