Jean-Claude Piedboeuf, Senior Vice President, Space Programs

Jean-Claude was appointed as Senior Vice President, Space Programs at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in .
After completing his Ph.D. in electrical engineering with a specialty in space robotics, Jean-Claude spent a year of research in Germany and then joined the Royal Military College of Kingston, Ontario as Professor in Mechanical Engineering.
Since his arrival at the CSA in as a researcher in robotics, he has held various management and executive positions. Following his appointment as Director General, Space Science and Technology in , Jean-Claude took on the responsibility of Chief Financial Officer in . In September , he was appointed Director General for Corporate Services where he played an important strategic role in corporate and investment planning to align our funding and resources with our priorities. Jean-Claude was appointed as Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Innovation and Chief Financial Officer at the CSA in .
Jean-Claude is also CSA champion of creativity and innovation at CSA.