About the mission
Mission name description and patch, David Saint-Jacques' training and roles, crew, Canadian science and the International Space Station.
Services and information
The mission
Mission name, patch and description of the mission.
Training for the mission
David's training: phases and types.
Roles and responsibilities
Soyuz co-pilot, science experiments, robotics specialist, and more.
Important dates
Overview of the important milestones of the mission and activities.
Canadian science
Canadian experiments: past, current and future.
David's health science activities
Canadian and international experiments.
International Space Station
The orbiting laboratory, how to see it from your home, the crew, robotics and experiments.
The crew
Crewmates and their biographies.
Soyuz spacecraft
About the Soyuz, required training, and the spacecraft's journey to space and back.
Living in space
Eating, sleeping, personal hygiene, exercising and relaxing.
Mission highlights
Discover interesting facts about the mission.